Pitching BioCapture

Functional Movement Screen, engineered to test, highlight and ultimately fix movement deficiencies.

Power Screen, engineered to gauge current power output, and how to increase its production and transfer.

Constraint Drills, individually designed to retrain neuromuscular habits and tendencies to help in creating and transferring force from the athlete to the ball.

Comprehensive kinematics assessment, analyzing individual pitching and hitting motions to see where the breakdown of energy occurs.

Comprehensive kinetics assessment, analyzing the ball after its release/contact to be able to better its flight, and therefore its outcome.

Sit down meeting to discuss your goals, and how to create an objective, data driven game plan to help you reach them.

Data filled report, its translation, and how its going to help you get to the next level.

Pitch Design

Rapid computing engine (RCE) and Radar and Camera system and rhardware provided through Rapsodo Baseball, algorithmic development and proprietary data sorting software, with physics and biomechanics principles in order to create, manipulate, and ultimately leverage pitches over your competition.

Included is 1 hour of data collection on every pitch in your arsenal, a corresponding translation as to what each variable individually means to the athlete, and a fully post processed data report with where the athlete is now, and how to get better.

Hitting Biocapture

Functional Movement Screen, engineered to test, highlight and ultimately fix movement deficiencies.

Power Screen, engineered to gauge current power output, and how to increase its production and transfer.

Constraint Drills, individually designed to retrain neuromuscular habits and tendencies to help in creating and transferring force from the athlete to the ball.

Comprehensive kinematics assessment, analyzing individual pitching and hitting motions to see where the breakdown of energy occurs.

Comprehensive kinetics assessment, analyzing the ball after its release/contact to be able to better its flight, and therefore its outcome.

Sit down meeting to discuss your goals, and how to create an objective, data driven game plan to help you reach them.

Data filled report, its translation, and how its going to help you get to the next level.

Position Player Training

Basic Throwing & Unlimited Hitting for those looking to perfect their mechanics before the upcoming season, built with our same principles of physics and biomechanics that have made us a household name in the pitcher development space.

Included is a on ehour data collection, with a corresponding translation and program on how to get your velocity up across the infield.

Catching Biocapture

Functional Movement Screen, engineered to test, highlight and ultimately fix movement deficiencies.

Power Screen, engineered to gauge current power output, and how to increase its production and transfer.

Constraint Drills, individually designed to retrain neuromuscular habits and tendencies to help in creating and transferring force from the athlete to the ball.

Comprehensive kinematics assessment, analyzing individual pitching and hitting motions to see where the breakdown of energy occurs.

Comprehensive kinetics assessment, analyzing the ball after its release/contact to be able to better its flight, and therefore its outcome.

Sit down meeting to discuss your goals, and how to create an objective, data driven game plan to help you reach them.

Data filled report, its translation, and how its going to help you get to the next level.

Arm Stress Testing & Workload COntrol


Use PULSE insights to make informed decisions about your throwing program every day.


Long- and short-term throwing workloads can help you evaluate your arm health, arm strength, and fatigue so you can make the best decision for your baseball career.

Included is a fully monitored bullpen session, capable of gauging induced arm stress and fatigue, for a healthier arm stress level today and tomorrow.